. N a v i g a t i o n .


Literary Stuff
My Prose
My Poetry
My Art

. P r o f i l e .

*- Xairylle
*- November 25, 1986
*- Gundam Wing, Naruto, Bleach
*- xairylle@yahoo.com

. A r c h i v e s .

+ June 2006 +

+ July 2006 +

+ August 2006 +

+ September 2006 +

+ November 2006 +

+ December 2006 +

+ March 2007 +

+ October 2007 +

+ February 2008 +

. L i n k s .



Phoenix Flower Whispers
Art of the Phoenix Flower
Full buffs and heal plz?
Naruto Realm
Pinoy Naruto
Bea Karina
Addiction No Jutsu
Heero-Relena Fanfics


. C r e d i t s .

Lay-out by Xairylle
Kooh picture is not mine.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

+ I am Lacus Clyne +

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Gundam SEED Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Ha! Ph33r me for I am Lacus Clyne!! Nyahahaha!! I'm not that fond of pink but dear Lacus-sama is another story all by herself! W00t!!

Xairylle || 10:19 AM
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

+ Tardy? +

Meah... I should update more often. Apparently, I have not been so active in uploading and posting. I have several vids and pics ready for upload. My DA messages are still THERE. I'm SUCH a procrastinator... At least for now. And I am STILL in dire need of a scanner. There are a lot of things I have to do and my online life is hectic. pRO exp mods and up-coming quests do this to me. UGH. Plus my monitor is distorted but I can make-do with it.

If it's any help, I have updated my Photobucket gallery at http://zaigallery.tk

I'm too lazy to add the link. *sigh*


Fine, here it is : CLICK HERE.
Xairylle || 9:03 AM
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Monday, March 05, 2007


As of today, Monday, March 5, 2007, I and several of my friends have discovered a vending bug. The details are as follows:

1. Cart is at maximum capacity wherein items are 100/100 and not by weight
2. Lets say I have 30 green herbs in my cart
3. I vend 1 out of those 30 green herbs
4. I close my vend
5. An error message "Over the maximum capacity" will appear in red in chat window/box
6. The single green herb that used to be in my vend will disappear

However, 30 green herbs will NOT disappear if I vend all those at the same time. Another thing is that that not all kinds of items disappear. Here is a list of what had disappeared from this bug:

old frying pan
dark frame card
poring card
orc skel card
green herb

The following, on the other hand, did not disappear

man eater bottle
porcupine quill

This is also located in http://ragnaboards.levelupgames.ph/index.php?showtopic=27092
Xairylle || 1:59 PM
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